Rasheeq Islam

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New start. New place. New experience.

Anything that's new gives our brain the satisfaction of novelty. Why is novelty important? Novelty has been associated with releasing dopamine in our brain. As you probably know dopamine is known as the pleasure drug. But recent research has shown that dopamine is not the reward itself. Rather it makes us want the reward. It gives us the motivation to go on and find the reward. This is something you should keep in mind if you are starting something new. Because at the beginning you will be hit with this dopamine rush. Which will feel amazing. but after that the brain will get used to it. Your job is to not let this happen. If you manage to build this habit of consistency and perseverance, you will eventually be able to build better habits in life.

The reason I have just talked about novelty, is because this is my first blog post. Something very new to me but not completely unknown. I tried starting my own blog back in 2015. I proudly failed but it lead me to a very interesting path in life. I talked about that path in this video.

Finally, I am able to restart my attempt at a blog. It's a new start with something not that new to me. I have been creating content on the internet for a number of years now. I have been better and consistent since 2020. Why? Thanks to a number of decisions I made in the past year. Things I will talk about throughout my website.

Why a blog in 2020? Is it even possible to get big in 2020 with a blog? The answer is yes and no. But my answer is I actually don't care.

My goal with this website is to have my own space on the internet. I am not rich enough to get my own piece of land on earth but the next best thing is having your own place on the internet. The internet has its good sides and bad sides, but to me it is magical entity that helps me connect with anyone, at any place, at any time.

I want to take advantage of this and share my life's journey through this blog. I hope through my space on the internet I can help and influence like minded people who are interested in topics that I talk about.

Recently I have done a lot of work on self development. I have been learning about personal wellness. That's why through my website I am also offering personal wellness sessions. Sign up. We can talk. We can grow together. I would love to help you out on your journey in any way I can through my experiences.

Thanks for reading this far. Before I end this always remember, You have more potential in you than you imagine. Don't let your brain fool you. I believe in you. I hope you have a great day.