Casey Neistat Vlog 017

End of the week blog. Time for another Casey Vlog. Let’s start episode 17.
Well well well, we finally break the format for a second. Instead of a random shot in the city we have a random shot inside Casey’s fridge. Then his usual timelapse.
He is sticking to his format still. Has a close-up shot right after the timelapse. Talks about the theme for the vlog. Then a vlog shot of him going to his office. After that, he did something different. Before taking the shot he explained the shot. He was explaining the shot he was going to take to explain one of his videos. A lot of explaining going on there.
He introduces a new segment called behind the scenes. I don’t remember this segment sticking for too long. But you can see that his trying to experiment and find what sticks. This time he is taking us behind the scenes to his famous bike lanes video.
The rest of the video is him talking about bike lanes. He shot the video on a cheap canon camera. The video went viral and it essential helped him a lot in his career. He didn’t make the video with getting viral in mind. Because viral wasn’t even a term in those days. As he states at the beginning of this vlog, he makes videos about things that pique his interest. He did exactly that with this bike lanes. The video ends kind of abruptly.
Here are some of the things about this vlog. It’s been 17 vlogs and you can definitely see the format he is trying to create. But you can also see he is struggling to come up with a story every single day. So he is being smart and creating segments within the format. That is the approach I essentially took with this blog. I have a format and then I have backups for days when I don’t get the time to think of a topic. The other key takeaway if you are an aspiring Youtuber, make things that interest you. Keep experimenting. Somewhere along the line, you will find your niche and your audience.


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