Rasheeq Islam

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Blog number 365, end of the 365 day blog challenge

No. 365. The end.
I honestly forgot why I started this challenge. I probably wanted to be a better writer. I probably wanted more content on my website. I probably wanted to get better at writing down my thoughts. I don’t know what motivated me to get into this challenge. But without thinking much I started to write a blog a day.
For the first 250 days, I did manage to write daily. I had challenges finding topics or writing enough at the beginning, but I kept going. Every night I used to sit down and jot down my thoughts. But slowly I wasn’t able to find the willpower daily.
On my worst days, I used to write the title of the blog and then fill it up later. That was the trend till the end. I wasn’t proud of it. I wanted to give up. But I found a better way. Just to somehow write the blogs. Get over the line.
Now after a whole year of writing, I do want to share some reflections.
Firstly, will I do this challenge again? Never. I didn’t enjoy writing daily. Maybe I am not the writer type. I do enjoy writing now and then. But the daily thing really started frustrating me.
The daily writing helped a lot. If I think about Day 1 to today, I can see a lot of changes. It’s far easier for me to come up with topics. It is easier for me to find words for those topics. I am also quicker at finding a structure for the blogs. The whole process has become easier and simpler.
One thing that suffered though was the quality of the blogs. I wrote a lot, but not enough quality. I didn’t give myself time to think and write. I just started writing for the sake of it. This helped in the first half of the year, but slowly it impacted the quality of the writing.
Finally, it is good to make your goals adaptable. It’s okay to change them. I should have changed this writing goal from daily to weekly. Daily wasn’t the right pace for me. I needed more time and clarity to write better.
I am happy I did the challenge. I am glad I could pull through. I will take a break from writing on my website. I do want to arrange some content on the other pages. But I will be back writing, maybe once a week or a month. Till then, thanks for reading. I am pretty sure no one read all 365 blogs, but even if you read at least one, thank you. I owe you a coffee.