Rasheeq Islam

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Benefits of a simple life

I am back with a late entry and a simple one.
My mind has been a bit clouded today. I am trying to change something but it’s taking time. But every time I feel like this I go back to my life philosophy of simplicity. Any tough situation when broken down and simplified is far easier to handle than when it is ignored. Although at the beginning of the day I was frustrated but slowly by the end of the day I am better.
This is one of the benefits of living a simple life. A simple life is an intentional life. A simple life is a life in which you are in control. You are not controlled by the externals. You make the decisions. You make conscious decisions. You aim for being content, being happy, and living simply. Although a simple life sounds easy, at the beginning it is not. Majority of society leads a complex life. So if you do something out of the ordinary you will stand out. When you stand out, your simple life might feel complex because of interference by others. But if you can get through that initial phase you will start seeing the benefits of a simple life.
Well, this blog hasn’t been a good one. Which means tomorrow is a new chance to improve.