Balance is key but balance is hard

I have been waiting for this moment for months. To get back to writing, to update this blog. But a lot of things happened since the last time I wrote. So I had to take a break. Or maybe it’s just procrastination. Maybe if I sat down to write, I could have just done it. “Just do it”- Nike says. But it’s not as easy as it is said.

If you are a creative person, and I believe everyone is, you have so many avenues you want to attend to. You want to do so many things but you can end up doing so little. So, balance becomes key in this case. You need to find out ways to feed your creative needs. This balance is hard to manage and hard to perfect. It’s hard to be consistent and manage your creative needs. I envy people who can focus their creative side on one single thing and that’s what they end up perfecting. Those people are rare and those are the ones who stand out.

I am in the group that struggle to balance their creative needs. I had planned to at the beginning of the year to at least upload 4 videos a month on YouTube, post 4 blogs a month, do a 365 photo challenge and some other stuff like learning to play the Ukelele. But as the year went on my core goals have stayed strong some peripheries have shifted away a few times. Blogging regularly, reading books and playing the ukulele are some that I have not been consistent with yet. There are obvious reasons that I will get into at the end of this blog, but there were times when I was overwhelmed or procrastinated.

If you do procrastinate, don’t be too hard on yourself. Reading or watching videos about procrastination might make you feel like an awful person but the reality is different. We all do things in different ways and at different paces. Find what works for you and stick to it.

Anyways, I might not be making much sense. I am writing after a while. I will try to be consistent after this one. But here’s an update of things that have happened since my last blog:

1. I switched jobs and moved cities in March. This was why I was super busy in March. I had to work up until one day before I left the city. So it was hectic getting all my stuff packed, selling stuff, and getting all the paperwork done. And if you have never been to Japan, paperwork in Japan is one of the most irritating and time-consuming things, so that took a while. I then had to drive 3 days to reach my new city Toyohashi in Aichi prefecture. It was a 900km drive. I vlogged the full journey. You can watch it below:

2. Next up was settling in the new city. I moved from a 3 bedroom big apartment to a small 1 room place here in Toyohashi. It wasn’t easy settling in a new city where you know no one. So I did struggle a bit. The first 3 days were hard. The last time I made a big move was from Bangladesh to Japan. But then Beppu became my second home. You can see my moving in experience below:

3. After getting settled in I started my new job. It’s been almost 2 months I am doing the job and I have to say that I am glad I made the change. The main reason I changed was getting more time to myself. The previous job I had wasn’t difficult work but the working hours were crazy. I barely got time to focus on myself. So I had to leave. In this present job I have my weekends off, fewer working hours during the day, and overall a great work-life balance.

4. So those were the big changes that have made me inconsistent in some of my planned goals for the year. But there were other things too. I went back to Beppu for the Golden Week break. It’s a 1-week break from work that almost every employee in Japan gets. So I took advantage and visited Beppu. I also went to Tokyo last weekend. The best part about Toyohashi is its location. I am more closer to my friends in the bigger cities of Japan like Tokyo and Osaka. I am also at a good location to drive to different locations. So that has been a big bonus. Obviously, I vlogged both the trips, took tons of photos and currently in the process of editing. I also went hiking for the very first time and joined a sports club near my house. Most importantly I am probably in the best shape of my life and I am still running almost every day. I went down to 99kg finally!

Well, that’s about it. Some of the boring updates if you might say. But since I have been off Facebook for almost 5 months I haven’t been updating statuses anywhere. That is one of the things I liked about doing on Facebook. I do post photos or stories on Instagram but I don’t get my thoughts down like the blog.

Anyways if you read till the end, thank you. I am guessing no one did and it’s just future Rasheeq going through his archives. If you are, I hope you are doing great man!


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Absence at the battlefield