Rasheeq Islam

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A clean house complements a clear mind

Cleanliness is underrated and under appreciated. A lot of people don’t give much importance to how clean and organized their living space is. I might be stereotyping but men have more tendency than women of having an unclean or disorganized house. Visit any of your guys friends houses, majority have a hard time keeping it tidy and organized. Most don’t give much thought to it but they don’t understand how that aspect impacts the other aspects of their life, specially their mind.
When you have a clean and organized space, it really helps your mind a lot. It helps you mind mimic what it sees in the space. A clutter free space helps the mind become clear. But if you look at a space that is full off clutter your mind will be influenced slowly. It will be hard for you to have a clear headspace.
This is one of the reasons I prefer living in a smaller minimal space compared to a bigger place. Currently my house is bigger than I need it to be. I moved here because I had to for work but I preferred the smaller place I had before. It’s easier to organize, easier to clean and it’s easier to live in.
Anyways back to the topic of cleanliness. Cleanliness can never be bad. It’s a basic skill that any human being should have. Just like the way you keep your body clean, you should take the time and keep you house clean. It’s not that hard and if you build simple routines you will be able to always keep it clean and organized. I will probably write a separate blog or make a video about how I do it myself. But today’s blog is about making you think.
Think about the space you live. Look at it. Then think about your mind. Does it reflect the way your mind is feeling? Do you believe fixing your room might help clear your mind up a bit? If yes, just get started.