About today's great run

Today was one of those runs where everything came together. But it didn’t seem like that at the beginning. I think that’s similar to a lot of things that happen in our life.
At the beginning of the run, I had a slight pain in my left knee. I had the pain yesterday too which made me cut my run short. But today I wanted to run longer. The weather was good and I was sure it would be a good sunset. I was targeting 5-7km.
I started my run. The pain started in my knee. Nothing serious. I kept on running and the more I ran the less the pain was. I kept on going and the weather started to complement my grit. Good temperature, slight breeze, and a beautiful sunset. As I approached the river I usually run to and go back, I decided not to go back. I kept ongoing. I looked at the sun and realized it will take a bit longer for it to go down. I want to be at the river for the sunset so I kept on going and around 5km in I turned back to go to the river.
As I approached the river I started to enjoy the run more. I started remembering my first run in 2020. I used to run only 6km in 60 minutes. But today I was on the course of doing 10km in 60 minutes. I couldn’t believe it and I was in a state of flow. I reached the river and ran beside the river towards the sun.
The sunset started and I was 7km into my run. I stopped to take some pictures. Admired the view and then kept ongoing. I reached this bridge over the river. I was the only guy there. The cars were passing by as I continued my run.
The rest of the run felt really easy. I could have done more but ended up doing 10km in 63 minutes. I will remember this run. I needed this run. It was a kind of goodbye run to Toyohashi. I loved running in Toyohashi.


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