Rasheeq Islam

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35,000 steps with 3 hours of sleep

I almost missed today’s blog post. I had a very hectic day. I took the night bus to Tokyo Friday night. It was a 6-hour bus ride. The bus seats were so small that I had a hard time sleeping. I only ended up sleeping for 3 hours.
In spite of sleeping for 3 hours, I had to function. I had a whole day full of activities planned. I had to get through my day.
I ended up doing all the things I planned. I even did my daily run. Although a bit shorter. I had 35,000 steps at the end of the day. I can’t believe I managed to go through the whole day without feeling sleep until 11 pm. At that time I was almost out of energy. I just had dinner and I had to take a nap. But I couldn’t sleep for long because I wanted to watch United’s game against Tottenham. So, I reluctantly took a nap. Because if I didn’t wake up I would miss this blog post.
Luckily I did wake up. I can put my entry for the day. Not a great entry but a really eventful day. I don’t recommended functioning on less sleep.