Stories from Shibuya Crossing

Shibuya Crossing is well-known around the world. Especially because of the crazy amount of people that cross that street every single day. On average, over 2.4 million people cross Shibuya every day, roughly 2,500 pedestrians on every crossing. That's unbelievable.

Today I decided to run from Shinjuku Station to Shibuya Station. It was after 9 pm so most of the stores were closed. There will still be a lot of people on the streets. As I reached Shibuya Crossing I stopped and admired the location..

As I was taking in the atmosphere I was thinking about how so many people cross each other's path every single day for the first and the last time. So many people make flashes of eye contact for the first and last time. A lot of things happen in that brief moment of crossing. I was thinking about all the stories of all those people crossing the road.

I am pretty sure there has been a Japanese movie already with Shibuya Crossing being part of the story. Even then I was thinking about how cool it would be if there was a movie centered around the crossing. Maybe about the people who cross paths. Maybe about a few of them being connected. Maybe how they are all part of a bigger plan. That would be some story. Interestingly a lot of people live that story every single day at Shibuya.


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