Rasheeq Islam

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201 blog posts in 201 days

It’s been 201 days since I started the daily blog challenge. This is my 201st blog post. 201!!!! That’s a lot of writing. I wanted to reflect back on the journey and share some insights.
Firstly, the journey hasn’t been easy. In the beginning, it was challenging to stay consistent and come up with topics. After the first 50 blogs, it became easy. But then after 100, it was challenging to come up with topics. I did have my set of topics to write on, but some days I just didn’t have a topic to write on.
Secondly, writing has become fairly easy. As soon as i get a topic I can immediately write a few hundred words. This has helped me beyond my blogs. Especially when I am posting on social media, writing quicker helps me make more posts. I am been enjoying a lot writing short posts on LinkedIn.
One thing that I can improve is the quality. When you try to write every day, your quality will heavily suffer. Maybe the first 2 years will be garbage. But you need to get through that garbage to find the gold. Currently, I am in the process of creating garbage. I have posted 201 blogs out of which only 20 might be good ones. That’s only 10%. The goal is to get this to 50% in the next few years. I am writing for the long term and that is why I started this challenge. I could have slowed down and just focused on quality. That is one approach others can take. But for me, this was the way and I think it was the right choice.
For anyone trying to be a good writer, don’t do this challenge. If being a writer by profession is your goal, then definitely focus more on quality writing. But if you are a casual writer like me, a daily blog can be a good way to learn how to express yourself. It might help you to articulate things better in the future. You don’t lose much doing this challenge.